You To You Lyrics Song by Maisie Peters

You To You Lyrics Song by Maisie Peters

You To You Song Details

Album: Dressed Too Nice For A Jacket

Released: 2018

You To You Song Lyrics

Two months ago to date, you had my heart on a plate
We ate takeout on your floor
I gave the world to you and more
But it took you a minute to rip us up in a minute
To say you're done with committing

And I lost my friends, took your side
Had your back 'cause I thought you had mine
That was then, I was wrong

So I hope that you'll find someone that you'll trust
And you'll give all your darkest secrets up
And then I hope she breaks your heart in two
Hope she does a you to you, to you, to you, to you, to you

I shouldn't be surprised
You're not the 'meet-the-parents' type
You said you needed me, you wanted to be with me
Just don't want your friends to see
You said I was different, but I wasn't different
And now I wish that I listened

And I lost my friends, took your side
Had your back 'cause I thought you had mine
That was then, I was wrong

So I hope that you'll find someone that you'll trust
And you'll give all your darkest secrets up
And then I hope she breaks your heart in two
Hope she does a you to you, to you, to you, to you, to you
I hope you'll give everything you've got
And she tells you you're special when you're not
And then I hope she breaks your heart in two
Hope she does a you to you, to you, to you, to you, to you

I know this song is bitter but calls didn't get through to you
Blocked on both your phones
Oh, look at that, I guess it's two-for-two
Calling me a psycho to our friends and that's not news to me
Wish it was but honestly, it's just so you

So I hope you think you've finally found the one
And then she fucks you over just for fun
'Cause then maybe you'll realise what you do
Hope she does a you to you

So I hope that you'll find someone that you'll trust
And you'll give all your darkest secrets up
And then I hope she breaks your heart in two
Hope she does a you to you, to you, to you, to you, to you

Oh, I hope she, yeah, I hope
I hope she breaks your heart
Baby, all you know she does, know she does
I hope she does

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Written by: Maisie Peters

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